The boat is loaded, the engine running, and the cat tucked securely under my arm. It is time to throw off the lines and head north with the warblers.
Our departure does not create much of a stir. The only neighbor to wave farewell is a five foot, very fat, water snake sunning on the bank. He eyes us unemotionally to verify we are truly leaving him to his peace. Continue reading Spring Time, Migration Time→
Our drop-dead departure date was ten days ago. The goal was to leave before it got too hot to be comfortable aboard ship without air conditioning. Still, we have a pleasant day with a nice breeze.
We set sail, adhering to all the safe practices we could remember – we did not sail on a Friday or on the 31st; we stepped aboard right foot first; and we made a right turn upon leaving…or should that have been a left turn? Continue reading I Would Want To Travel The Intracoastal Waterway…→