The boat is loaded, the engine running, and the cat tucked securely under my arm. It is time to throw off the lines and head north with the warblers.
Our departure does not create much of a stir. The only neighbor to wave farewell is a five foot, very fat, water snake sunning on the bank. He eyes us unemotionally to verify we are truly leaving him to his peace.
We head down river, north on the St Johns River. Full speed ahead at about eight miles per hour. It is sixty miles to Jacksonville and we don’t pretend to get there in one day. That would be a lot like work.
Passing Palatka we take a wide swing to get a good look at the waterfront. Palatka’s waterfront is attractive, with a park frequented by the residents and fishermen.
The river is windy and rough and our thoughts turn to a snug anchorage and a libation. Meandering along we come to Deep Creek beckoning exploration, and we succumb. Turns out Deep Creek is too deep and too narrow for anchoring and we turn back to anchor near the mouth. Tomorrow we will make Jacksonville.
Great wildlife🐾
That gator is huge🌀
He made an awesome splash as we approached but I missed the photo op.
Yo Ho Ho Aaaarrrrgh matey ye be underway again, Bon Voyage !!
A bit envious here….enjoy…..
Perhaps the two of you will join us for an afternoon on the river…next time you leave northern climes!